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Logo Caliope Oscuro Javier Sanchez Marco

A revelation of sexuality free of stigma, with an exciting point.

Business Angel. Caliope. 2021

Rocio Romero Caliope Javier Sanchez
It’s a pleasure to have Javier on our team. He believed from the very beginning, something that isn’t easy, and in startups like Calíope that have only been around for a short time, it’s a great help. Apart from the economical part, he adds value through his network of contacts, and he’s proactive when it comes to supporting the project.

Rocío Romero, Founder & CEO of Calíope

Calíope’s Value Proposition

Calíope is the only platform in Spanish on sexual education and arousal, from listening: with stories with erotic overtones in audio format, audio wellness guides, etc… It’s focused on women first, and aims to end misogynistic stigmas of content like this.


Why did I invest?

I met David Calvo and Rocío Romero (the founders) through a business partner who has been working with them from the beginning of the project, and it had very good metrics.

