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Emérita Legal logo Javier Sanchez Marco

The “Rastreator” that helps you choose a lawyer.

Business Angel. bEmérita Legal. 2019

Antonio Padin Emérita Legal
Always willing to lend a hand. As an investor, Javier is one of those people who cares about bringing real value in every interaction and from whom you learn something new every time. He reminds you why SMART is the most important thing when looking for BAs.

Antonio Padin, CEO & Co-Founder of Emérita Legal

Emérita Legal’s Value Proposition

Emérita Legal is a legal services comparator with a mission: to provide a transparent view of the legal sector, revealing information never before available about lawyers, judges, and other parties, through the analysis of judicial BigData through the use of AI.


Why did I invest?

Aside from the team, I loved the idea of disrupting a totally opaque sector dominated by antiquated public players. A lot of risk, but possibly a great return (not to mention the social good that it entails).



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